Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Life of Discoveries and Discoveries of Life

Discoveries – major, minor and those in between – have given my life a true meaning. The major discovery in my life so far has been the belief that I embraced a few months ago, Islam. One discovery after another, I was convinced that Islam was the answer to the questions that had remained unanswered for some time – whether God existed, whether life just stopped after death, why there were so many different religions and other rather-skeptical questions about life. To share a bit of my experience, one of the interesting things I discovered about Islam is that the Quran, the Islamic scripture, contains a number of scientific facts which have been confirmed by modern science hundred of years after it was first revealed. Read more at should you be interested.

Other than that, I guess each day of my life so far has been full of discoveries. These years of my life is all about learning, that is, discovering often-unimaginable things: the huge energy generated by the nuclear fusion actually traces down to the study of the smallest division of matter, atomic physics; and the beauty of numbers in that they can be complex too! As inseparable part of growing up, I have been discovering that my life is also about discovering certain attitudes and characteristics of people which I might not have noticed when I was a little kid. Having been away from my parents for quite some time, I realize that they do care about me a lot – that’s another thing that makes my life meaningful!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Post

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