Monday, September 10, 2007

Comparison & Contrast

Emotional intelligence plays an important role in different professions to different extent. An engineer and a kindergarten teacher, for example, both need distinct levels of emotional intelligence when dealing with their respective job scopes. As commonly required by other professions, a successful engineer and kindergarten teacher must be creative, well-organized and socially savvy in order to interact with their colleagues. A kindergarten teacher, however, is expected to be more emotionally intelligent than an engineer due to his/her constant interaction with children of a fairly young age. A good kindergarten teacher must understand well the psychology of children of different characters. Mood management, one aspect of emotional intelligence according to Daniel Goleman, is of great importance when encountering with distracted or misbehaving children. Showing inappropriate actions to express emotions to his/her students may bring negative effects to them as children learn a lot from their role models. Despite having to possess high self-motivation, another aspect of emotional intelligence, in order to complete tasks on time, an engineer, on the other hand, deals with physical devices , most of the time; thus making the job require less control of emotions. To sum all up, emotional intelligence is required in both professions although it is used more in one profession – kindergarten teacher – than it is in the other – engineer – due to the intense interaction with children.


Blogger Brad Blackstone said...

I can appreciate the way you've developed this interesting paragraph, until the section I've copied below:

"Showing inappropriate actions to express emotions to his/her students may bring negative effects to them as children learn a lot from their role models. Despite having to possess high self-motivation, another aspect of emotional intelligence, in order to complete tasks on time, an engineer, on the other hand, deals with physical devices , most of the time; thus making the job require less control of emotions."

It seems to me that you need a better transition bewteen these two sentences. We discussed the difference between "in contrast" and "on the other hand." Even making that switch would not be enough though. The ideas in the two sentences need a link, or a transition. Do you see what I mean?

September 22, 2007 at 11:14 PM  

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